March 3, 2021

A CFO’s Guide to Corporate Governance

When a board has a governance committee, the members initiate action plans with specific timelines for implementation of recommendations, and they should have the authority to shape and recommend policy and structure. While CEOs and board chairs will always steer directors toward making pivotal decisions, to ensure maximum effectiveness, CFOs need to play a bigger role in the processes.
April 14, 2020

The Board’s Role in Responding to Crisis, Currently COVID-19

Whatever the industry, boards have a crucial role to play as management teams navigate this global crisis. By now, most companies are past the initial stage of reacting and have taken action too. Depending on the nature of your business, responsive actions will vary considerably.
March 4, 2020

Mastery Doesn’t Mean Risk Free

We live near the Canadian Rockies, so we have several friends who are very good alpine skiers. Recently I was talking with one of them who has skied since he was a toddler. He recanted two funny stories in which he lost a ski...
January 14, 2020

Building a Vibrant Board

When I spend time with a board, it’s pretty easy to quickly identify whether that board has a culture of vibrancy or not...