January 3, 2022

Directors’ Priorities for 2022

The disruptive impacts of COVID will continue to challenge all sectors in 2022. We know that the magnitude will lessen this year; it is the uncertainty and unproductivity that creates havoc. What are boards prioritizing this year?
December 1, 2020

Deadly Embrace Can Prove Lethal for Boards

In the world of technology, we describe the crippling condition that occurs when two computer programs vie for control—a phenomenon that happens when each program waits and prevents the other from making progress—as a “deadly embrace.” A similar stalemate occurs when board members try to influence others to concede the defects in their arguments, without acknowledging the failings in their own.
June 4, 2020

Dynamic Board Retreats

Most boards conduct a strategy session or board retreat on an annual basis. A well planned and executed strategy session is a boon for the management team.  How do I recognize when I have participated in a great board retreat?
March 30, 2020

The Board’s Role in Succession Planning

Boards have always considered CEO succession one of their prime responsibilities—and it is...