March 23, 2022

Wise Directors Pivot

What happens when new and fast-improving technologies create opportunities to unleash untapped sources of revenue that have been trapped by market inefficiencies? That’s the question...
January 28, 2022

Disruption Isn’t Optional

Responding to disruption will never be optional, but successful directors should realize that disrupting for the greater good has now become mandatory.
January 27, 2021

The Future is Bright

Directors have reason to view the next years with optimism, in several industries. Pent-up demand for services in some sectors, combined with steady demand in others, will lead to continued growth. Savvy directors already recognize the following opportunities and are guiding their management teams appropriately. Which ones apply to your business?
March 4, 2020

Mastery Doesn’t Mean Risk Free

We live near the Canadian Rockies, so we have several friends who are very good alpine skiers. Recently I was talking with one of them who has skied since he was a toddler. He recanted two funny stories in which he lost a ski...