July 1, 2020

Invisible Rip Tides Sink Marriages and Mergers

The business news is filled with stories of failed mergers or acquisitions. Yet companies still have an appetite for growth through mergers or acquisitions. Why?
October 5, 2019

You Bought It; Don’t Break It!

Long before the ink dries on the legal agreement to acquire a company or to merge two entities, the integration strategy should...
October 5, 2019

The Confirmation Bias Lurking in Plain Sight

A private equity firm decided to grow a retail company by buying another in the same business...
October 5, 2019

Invisible Rip Tides Mergers and Marriages

The business news is filled with stories of failed mergers or acquisitions. Why? These deals look good on paper...
October 5, 2019

Deal or No Deal?

When companies merge or acquire, stakeholders expect that the whole will be greater than its parts. Unfortunately, this happens less than half the time...