June 9, 2021

The Self-Aware Director

Research shows that self-awareness—knowing who we are and how others see us—forms the foundation of high performance, smart choices, and lasting relationships. However, people don’t see themselves quite as clearly as they could. If they have always had a stagnant mindset, they are loathe to explore the disruption that truly knowing themselves might bring.
November 18, 2020

Your Decisions are Emotional

I heard it again last week, “What’s the rush?” Sometimes I hear, “If it isn’t broken, don’t fix it” or the one that really makes me crazy, “We are so much better than we were.” Many a leader has said to me a version of, “You should have known me ten years ago, I was much worse.” My all-time favorite was when an executive, in charge of risk management, yelled at me (complete with a red face), “Our decisions are NOT emotional!”