August 5, 2021

Shouldn’t Boards Fear Disruption?

When we understand disruption and the people who intentionally create it, we understand how to design it instead of fearing it.
February 9, 2021

CEO Succession – The Most Ignored Risk

CEO succession, done well, is a process and takes into account changes to context, both internal and external. These include: top talent, market changes, possible internal successors and how they respond to a larger role, as well as leaders emerging in other organizations.
March 30, 2020

The Board’s Role in Succession Planning

Boards have always considered CEO succession one of their prime responsibilities—and it is...
January 24, 2020

How to Reveal a Courageous CEO of the Future

It is difficult to overstate the importance of selecting the right CEO...
December 16, 2019

How Succession Anxiety Fuels Crisis

The transition from one chief executive officer to another is a high-stakes situation. In the most difficult situations, the outgoing CEO leaves a trail of damaged […]